I couldn't sleep last night. Somehow, my brain was working overtime with images that I shouldn't conjure, yet still I did. It replayed itself on loop automatically, and I did not sleep soundly as a result. Only when day breaks did I sleep and dreamed for a while. Signs that I'm sleeping is when I realize that I'm dreaming. Somehow, I can never remember what I dream about the night before.
I was watching a documentary yesterday afternoon about paranormal activities and how paranormal activities relates with different dimensions spread out in different times. Zzz... I can't explain it as well as the people who were doing the show, but should different dimensions exist, I wonder if ourselves in those different dimensions are similar to ourselves or are they different? And should one of 'us' dies in a different dimension, does it affect our present self? Will it create a ripple effect? I guess I shouldn't worry about this since I have never met any of 'myself' from a different dimension and probably never wanted to. What if they're evil like in the story "The One" with Jet Li in it?
Anyways, I'm trying to suppress what I'm feeling inside me now. The frustrations, the fears, the doubts, and not to mention the disappointment that I was dealt in the last two weeks or so. Everything's all better now both at home and in my private life. I'm trying hard not to think about certain things and focusing on the possibilities that it might hurt me so I will be ready for it when the bombshell drops on me. I guess I've always been expecting things to disappoint me so it won't hurt as bad.
Tried to play my flute after neglecting it for nearly 3 years O.O and found out that I forgot my embouchure. Zzz... Looks like I will have to re-learn it. Hopefully I can pick it up once more and play some tunes on it. I really need to occupy my mind and think less of "the twins".
I might already have chords in mind for "Comet In My Sky" (^.^)