Friday, January 13, 2012


Two weeks into 2012 and the year is marked with loss and tragedy. There hasn't been a year that goes by without being marred by death in the family. This is the third year now. Maybe it's a sign that we're not getting any younger and that the elderly are getting older. Cherish whatever moments you still have with them be it the angry moments, happy moments or the sad moments.

In my one year absence, I have accomplished quite a number of things and traveled to a country where I never dreamed of being able to set foot on. Well, I did. Going to India last year was a major highlight. This year, I will be traveling again to Tasmania, Australia in the summer. Hopefully this will not be the last time I will visit Australia :-)

Oh, I finally got a reply from Tom K. :-P I wasn't expecting him to reply to a post that I posted out randomly in response to the video he posted. I was totally blown when I saw his reply because I was the only person that he replies to. The other girls got replies from Bill K. though. I still want Bill K. to reply to my posts but so far he hasn't. Good luck to me then, right? ;-)

Here's to a lucky year despite tragedies. Cheers! ;-)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wings of Mercy

Another new genre inspired by my favorite twins' lyrics only with a twist :-)

~ Wings of Mercy ~ by RaQueLa M.

Here at another crossroad
Broken paths lay up ahead
My heart is at a loss
I have lost my faith
Somehow there is a light
Guiding me safely through the night

You help my fly on wings of mercy
Always behind me when I fall
All my burdens You carry
Through my pain and all
I sing You praises O God
On bended knee
You guide me safely through
Each stormy sea and skies
My faith in You renewed
When You opened up my eyes
You help me walk the narrow path
You gave me hope and strength
You give me wings to fly

Your endless tireless love
Is more than I deserve
For a sinner like me
When all my sins redeemed

You help me fly on wings of mercy
Always behind me when I fall
All my burdens You carry
Through my pain and all
I sing You praises O God
On bended knee
On bended knee...

~ Copyrighted ~


Badu Ngikis Tapak Kaki Aku

Here's a song dedicated to the notorious flirt known as Jelu Jipun. And also it's the first time I wrote a song in Iban - so be kind :-)

~ Badu Ngikis Tapak Kaki Aku ~ by RaQueLa M.

Badu ngikis, ngikis, ngikis
Ngikis tapak kaki aku
Ati pedis, pedis, pedis
Digaga nuan bakatu

Umbas, umbas, sulu badu
Ngikis tapak kaki aku
Badu, badu, badu sulu
Badu ngaga ku bakatu

Enti nuan agi ngikis
Tapak kaki urang indu
Bisi maia nuan ilak
Kena berus, berus, berus (repeat 2x)

Badu ngikis, ngikis, ngikis
Ngikis ati urang indu
Kumbai dik urang enda nemu pedis
Ngasai meh ke diri empu!

*Back to Chorus


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

~ Silent Lullaby ~

 Silent Lullaby ~ By RaQueLa M.

Here's a lullaby
I'm singing it to you tonight
All will be all right
All is well tonight
A silent lullaby

Is singing for us tonight
I will be by your side
Two hearts beneath the same sky

When all the world around you
Seem to treat you cruel
Hold me in your thoughts
And I'll be there for you
A silent lullaby
Is singing for us tonight
I will be by your side
Two hearts beneath the same sky

Make a wish tonight
On every star so bright
I'll be there in your dreams
And you'll be there in mine
A silent lullaby
Is singing for us tonight
I will be by your side
Two hearts beneath the same sky

We are both looking up
Into the same sky
And singing of
The same lullaby

So close your eyes tonight
And dream of pleasant sights
I'll chase your nightmares away
With a silent lullaby...

- Copyrighted -

Note: My singing isn't perfect, so excuse me for the lousy singing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Gawai Part 2

Ok, it's been a while and a long time due. Here's the 2nd part of what happened during that long Gawai weekend. A continuation...

31st May 2010
Woke up early at 5.00 a.m. to deafening sounds of big bangs of firecrackers. Fortunately, my room got upgraded near the staircase so the sounds got drowned off by the walls. My parents' room (a.k.a used to be my room) wasn't so lucky - it was facing the front where they were playing the firecrackers.

   Helping mom to prepare dinner at 3pm...

And the highlights of that day was games. My sis took part as 'cameraman' to get out of cooking. And the first game we had for the evening was fishing. 

    The contestants in their best hats and poles trying to catch something

   The river where we used to bathe before tap water was installed
   Familiar looking? :-) That's my cousin Rush in his 'cowboy' hat

In the end, after an hour of fishing, nobody caught anything so they had to cancel the fishing competition. Looks like the fishes ain't biting during dry season. Ehehehee! :-P

Evening time after dinner...

    Kids' Pageant wearing traditional costumes :-)
   Oh yeah... My nephew doesn't want to be left out too ;-)
    And here's my niece! :-) 
    Traditional "band boys"
  This is our "Christmas tree" laden with goodies :-)
 You gotta dance to earn your loot :-) Whatever you want, you dance for it

01 June 2010
GAWAI!!!! So now it's the official time to glutton ourselves with food and drinks.

   Grand entrance by the Chiefs... XD
   Food!! I'm sure you know what it is :-)
   Drinks are already being served at 10a.m.
    Yup, my uncle serving me just a little bit of whiskey in the morning :-)
   Grandpa (in blue) - a retired longhouse chief, and another elder :-)

The eating and drinking lasted the whole morning till 3:30p.m. compared to in my younger days when it ends by nightfall. Apparently, they appointed a time keeper so everyone won't be so tired before reaching the end of the longhouse. :-)

That evening, my sis and I got "kidnapped" by my aunt and uncle to another longhouse about 15 minutes ride by car to Tuah area to visit my grandma's cousin.
    My aunt :-)
   My uncle trying on the gongs
    These sets have been with their family for generations
   They don't make them like these anymore
   Grandma's cousin - my distant "grandpa"

So that's the end of the day that I went through in which I travel more than 400km back to the old hometown for. Fun and interesting where fashion, cuisine and culture meets in-house museum. Ahahahakz! XD

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Weekend Preceeding Gawai (Part I)

28th May 2010
Drove back to my hometown for 7 hours for the Gawai festivities. Mom and dad brought a separate car so my sis and I could travel home when we wanted to. It was a good day to travel - there wasn't any accidents occurring along the way. There were times when I had a near miss. Overall, the trip going to our destination had been fun. :-)

                                          The driver
                                          The journey...
                                          Batang Lupar bridge...
                                          Coming down the range

Reached destination at around 530pm - half an hour faster than planned.
                                           Reaching Sibu

Met up with BB at Farley area then sent our car and things to her house before going out again. Wasn't planning to meet with BB's heartthrob that evening in person because I told her a few days prior before meeting up that I don't wanna be introduced to JJ yet. Not ready to meet the person she's having such a HUGE crush on because he sounded intimidating. Of course, first meetings are a little awkward - not much were said. We sent JJ to his lecturer's place to drop off his assignment before sending him back to his home. Along the way, we introduced each other - the three of us - JJ, my sis and I. This is the first time that my sis actually met BB - all these while, she only heard me mentioning my best friend. 

After sending JJ back home, we three girls went for dinner at Farley Restaurant, where we were being served by "Toya" - a nickname my sis and I gave to the waiter with the spiky hair. Lol! Not a bad looker :p Anyways, dinner was fun when we talked about JJ and other random stuff. Hehehe...

The highlight of the evening was after we reached BB's home. Everyone took a shower after a long day, and then the party begins...AGAIN! This time, BB and I took out our guitars and we jammed together some songs we both love by our favorite band and some Christian songs. Disaster struck though at the oddest moment. BB's guitar split at the neck which caused the guitar tuning to be off every now and then :-(  She needs a new guitar. Still, we managed to have fun until after midnight. I was worried with all the playing and the singing and the laughing that we were disturbing her family's peace in the middle of the night. All the time when BB and I were jamming on our guitars, my sis was watching One Piece anime by herself.

I can't remember the exact time we decided to wrap our evening up, but I know it was way past one in the morning. It still did not end there - BB and I talked as though we have no tomorrow about random things - from politics, science, hypothetical questions and life. Lights out, we care nothing about the hour - although the moon had been full for nearly a week and the moonlight shining through the window was the only thing telling the hour, it must have been almost dawn before we stopped our conversations and fall asleep.

29th May 2010 
The next day -- went out with BB, JJ and my sis. The plan wasn't suppose to include JJ because it was supposed to be "Ladies' Only".But ---- he tagged along which was quite an extraordinary thing because gents don't usually like hanging with a crowd of girls. Anyways, we shopped around looking for shirts for my dad (I ended up buying 2 shirts for him since I couldn't decide), got a new guitar for BB and had an interesting discussion with JJ. I just love that part where he's the only one rooting for J-Bieber while all 3 ladies rooted for TH. That silenced him real good - but, like all sore losers out there, he just had to say Bujang Bajik's name in a weird way to get back at us :P

                                          On the way to town :-)
                                          It was already twilight when we headed back home :-)

All in all, we had fun - trying on hats and funny sunnies. The most memorable bit ----- One, two, three - Jango! :-P

30th May 2010
Final day with BB - my sis and I joined BB with her family (her mom and two nephews) to the Methodist church in the neighborhood. 

After the service and light snacks, we continued on with our shopping :-D This time, it's for shoes. Ugh... Can't help but spend it all this month.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spontaneity Rulesz!!

Staring out onto blank sheets of paper. I can see the words forming, but I can't seem to reach that jar of inspiration. I have tunes coming out spontaneously out of my mouth, but now I can't remember any of it. I need to record myself... Only problem is, when I have a recorder sitting in front of me, I just don't have that spontaneity. GRRRRRRrrrr!!!