Thursday, December 11, 2008

If Walls Could Keep Secrets...

Tossing and turning in bed, I'm eluded by slumber. It's now past midnight, I'm yawning yet my eyes are wide open. Heart racing, I pushed my blanket aside. The room is cold, yet I feel warm and tingly all over as I mulled over my decision.
I wanted so badly to tell him that I love him. I always have, and always will be in love with the idea of him. He's always been the one in my mind even though there have been others that strayed into my life. In the end, I still chose him over the others. 

Why do I feel this way whenever his birthday approaches? It's funny how I've abandoned the others but I still retain him in my heart in hopes that he would one day search for me. Pitiful of me, I know. I still hope for that dream to come true.

Will it? After I let slip away one possibility of a lifetime who could've been a potential boyfriend, will he come by? I've been haunted daily by the number of his license plate it's driving me to sheer madness driving around town knowing he would be lurking somewhere in the city. Yet, that feeling makes it all the more exciting with the possibility of meeting by chance. Oh, the racing pulse, sweaty palms, tongue tied, and butterflies in your stomach... I can't think when he's around me, and he knows it. Just that he's blind to notice the signs that I have a giddy crush on him.

Ten years worth of secret, three years of hiding it, a year of dreaming and two years of waiting.

Finally, I rested my head on my pillow and slumbered on as I made my decision.........

Gone, Baby Gone...

My one and only chance at love has probably gone out the window the moment I said he's not a special boyfriend. I felt guilty ever since I said that to Nick. We can not be more than friends because I don't want to hurt anyone in the process all over again. Now that I've come to think of it, he could have had special feelings for me then. I was torn between my feelings and my pride.